BPS Interviews two men about their Bigfoot Encounters of N.Y. And P.A.
Two men have Bigfoot Encounters in N.Y. & P.A.

Global Newsmaker Focus, welcomes guest Al Santariga this Friday 12/22/17
Global Newsmaker Focus, welcomes guest Al Santariga this Friday 12/22/17

Al Santariga is the guest on Inside the Goblin Universe.
On the next episode of Inside The Goblin Universe Ronald Murphy and Bryan Bowden welcome Al Santariga, founder of the Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS, into the Rabbit hole to discuss Sasquatch and Strangeness – High Strangeness! Tuesday December 12, 2017 at...
Happy Thanksgiving from BPS
Happy Thanksgiving From. All of us at the Bronxville Paranormal Society
Yonkers Client
Yonkers NY Ghosts, EVP, hauntings, BPS

NJ Sasquatch Report
Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS NJ sasquatch report

North American Dogman Project add new state and Director – New York State Chapter
Bowden and Santariga coDirectors of NYS chapter of the North American Dogman Project N.A.D.P.

Delta shape UFO sightings on the rise
Not since the early 80’s has Delta shaped UFO been on the rise. Recently, reports of this type of UFO have been submitted from all over the United State. Even going so far as to have reports of the exact same object from West and East coats with in hours of each...
The Creature Was Hit By A Car… Al Santariga on Sasquatch Cronicles.
Al Santariga discusses his experiences and encounter with Sasquatch on Sasquatch Cronicles episode 295. Listin in at https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=GOllGVFDWuo If you have had an experience, please Contact the Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS hotline at...
BREAKING NEWS: Boomerang UFO spotted in New York State 1/2017
January 2017 UFO sighted in New Uork State Hudson Valley #BPS

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