Apr 27, 2018 | Alien, bps, BPS BREAKING NEWS, BPS Investigation, BPS TEAM, CE-5, News, Orbs, Pine Bush NY, Public Relations, Radio, Stone Chambers, UFO, Uncategorized
Al Santariga, founder of the Bronxville Paranormal Society, was the special guest on Inside The Goblin Universe, cohosted by, Author and “Cryptid Guru”, Ronald Murphy Jr. and Sir Bryan Bowden, the CIO for the Bronxville Paranormal Society. The hour long...
Apr 5, 2018 | Bigfoot, bps, BPS BREAKING NEWS, Cryptids, Disclosure, Dogman, Mysterious Places, News, SIGHTINGS, Uncategorized
Two men have Bigfoot Encounters in N.Y. & P.A.
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